SMSI Awards 2015
2015 Émile M. Chamot Award – Dr. Thomas A. Kubic
Through his work and teaching, Dr. Thomas A. Kubic has made great contributions to forensic science. Dr. Kubic is associate professor and doctoral program director of forensic science in the criminal justice program at John Jay College, CUNY. His research interests include application of X-ray diffraction to problems of transfer evidence, especially soils and paints; identification and individualization of cosmetics by chromatography, ATR/FT-IR and microscopy; dust identification and analysis by PLM and SEM/EDS; and individualization of synthetic fibers by thermal microscopy. Dr. Kubic earned his Ph.D. in criminal justice and forensic science from the City University of New York.
Dr. Thomas A. Kubic
Professor of Criminalistics and Chemistry
John Jay College and The Graduate Center
Program Director Ph.D. in Crim. Justice Forensic Science Concentration
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