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SMSI Awards 1967-1979

1967 Honorary Memberships

Mr. Leon F. Urbain for his work as director of the course "Learning to Use the Microscope" (the Young People's Course). He has given over 1500 lectures and has donated all honoraria to the educational fund of the Society.

Dr. Walter C. McCrone for work in the field of microscopy and for enthusiastically endorsing the expansion of microscopy in many fields.

1970 Annual Awards

Dr. George Nomarski of the Institut D'optique Theorique Et Appliquee, Paris, France, for his innovative method of Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy, a method which produces three-dimensional images with high contrast.

Dr. Crewe, a University of Chicago professor, who allowed man to "see" an atom for the first time with his single atom microscope, a very high voltage scanning electron microscope.

1971 Annual Award

Irwin Müller for the development of the field-ion microscope.

1971 Honorary Awards

Roger P. Loveland for his comprehensive treatise on photomicrography and his work on the size and morphology of silver grains.

Mary Willard for her contributions to and teachings of forensic microscopy at Pennsylvania State University.

1972 Annual Award

Prof. Marcel Françon of the Institut d'Optique de Paris, Paris, France for theoretical and practical contributions to the field of optical microscopy, and for publications on microscope optics with emphasis on interference phenomena.

1972 Honorary Awards

Dr. Kurt Michel of Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen (Württ.)West Germany for contributions to the theory and design of the optical microscope, and for publications in the fields of theoretical microscopy and photomicrography; viz. Die Grundzüge der Theorie des Mikroskops (1964) and Die Mikrophotographie (1967).

Dr. Manfred Nahmacher of E. Leitz, Inc., New York, NY for bringing information on theoretical and applied optical microscopy before the general public and microscopical societies and thereby promoting an understanding of the microscope's role in science and society.

1973 Honorary Awards

Dr. Ruth Patrick of the Limnology Department of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, for applications of the microscope to the systematic treatment of the diatoms of the United States, especially as expressed in publications on diatom structure and classification, diatom communities in polluted waters, and particularly for The Diatoms of the United States, Volume 1, (with CharlesReimer).

Dr.L.C. Martin, formerly Professor in the Technical Optics Department of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England, for books, Practical Microscopy (with B.K. Johnson) and papers on theoretical and applied optics, and especially for The Theory of the Microscope (1966) in which the optical theory of the microscope is updated to the recent work by theoretical physicists.

1973 Life Membership

Mr. George Maier of Maier's Aquarium, Chicago, IL, for unselfish service to the State Microscopical Society of Illinois, particularly for his willingness on every occasion to give his time and share his microscopical experiences with the young people at the Saturday morning classes.

1974 Annual Award

Dr. John McArthur of Cambridge, England, for the design and development of the McArthur Pocket Microscope.

1974 Honorary Awards

Dr. N.H. Hartshorne of East Sussex, England for the design and development of the Hartshorne Crystal Rotation Apparatus and the authorship of Crystals and the Polarizing Microscope and Practical Optical Crystallography (co-authored with A. Stuart).

Dr. Peter Gray, Avinoff Professor of Biology, University of Pittsburgh, for the authorship of important papers and books in microscopy; in particular The Microtomist's Formulary and Guide and the Encyclopedia of Microscopy and Microtechnique.

1975 Annual Award

Dr. Charles Proffer Saylor of the Polymer Division of the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. for the development of significant improvements in the microscopical measurement of physical properties such as particle size and refractive indices. He is also recognized for his development of the "Freezing Staircase" purification procedure.

1975 Honorary Award

Dr. Ralph Gander of Wild Heerbrugg, Ltd. Heerbrugg, Switzerland for his service to microscopy through articles and books in the field of light microscopy and through educational activities at Wild Heerbrugg.

1976 Annual Award - Mitch Sieminski

1976 Honorary Awards

Clyde W. Mason, Late Professor of Chemical Microscopy and Metallography at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, for coauthoring a fundamental text in chemical microscopy. The Handbook of Chemical Microscopy was jointly authored with Émile M. Chamot.

Marie Kuhnert-Brandstätter of Austria for her work in fusion methods.

1977 Annual Award

Oscar W. Richards, College of Optometry, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. As former chief biologist at the Research Laboratory of the American Optical Company, he was instrumental in developing AO's phase contrast and interference microscopy systems. In addition to being one of the authors of Phase Microscopy (John Wiley, 1951), he has written numerous articles pertaining to varied areas of microscopy, such as vision and microscopy, and the history of American microscopy. He was also the former editor of the Journal of the American Microscopical Society,

1977 Honorary Award

Mr. R.I. Firth of Sussex, England, a diatomist of international renown whose skills at mounting diatoms were known throughout the world. He also made to order mechanical fingers for diatom mounting.

1978 Annual Award

W.M.D. Bryant of West Chester, PA, who was involved with microscopy at DuPont for years. Bill Bryant has applied microscopy to archeological investigation and his home lab was replete with self designed and built equipment of simple, yet elegant design. His major interest was conoscopy.

1978 Honorary Awards

Dr. Dieter Krauter of the W. Keller & Company, Kosmos-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, for promoting the art and science of microscopy among amateurs. His book, Mikroskopie in Alltag (1954) was translated into English as Experimenting with the Microscope (1963) and is aimed at amateurs. He is the publisher and editor of Mikrokosmos, a well-known journal slanted towards the amateur microscopist. He is also associated with the German Microbiological Society-Stuttgart and the microbiological societies of Hamburg, Mannheim, and Munich, the Micrographic Society of Vienna and the Microscopical Society of Zurich.

Dr. Max Frei of Zurich, Switzerland was honored for outstanding contributions to the field of Forensic microscopy. He served as head of the Zurich technical police laboratory for over 20 years and his article, "Die Sicherung von Mikrospuren mit Klebband" published in 1951, introduced the use of adhesive tape to the collection of microclues from surfaces for subsequent examinations. As an authority in trace evidence examination, he was able in one case to trace a suspect to his doorstep from the crime scene from a clump of mud left at the site. He is the author of many articles dealing with the solution of crimes using microscopy.

1979 Annual Awards

F. Donald Bloss, Department of Geological Science, VPI and SU Blacksburg, Virginia. He has written numerous papers and books on chemical and optical crystallography and was honored for his contributions in theoretical and applied optical crystallography.

Mr. Charles C. Fulton of Venice, Florida for his lifelong efforts to promote the use and development of microcrystal tests. His numerous papers published in the field led up the publication of Modern Microcrystal Tests for Drugs. Currently retired, Mr. Fulton is working on an outline of the history of "microcrystalloscopy."

1979 Honorary Awards

Dr. Maksymilian Pluta of the Centraline Laboratorium Optyki, Warszawa, Poland. He was honored for his publications and also for his theoretical and applied work in the areas of stereoscopic phase-contrast microscopy; amplitude-contrast microscopy using soot amplitude rings; highly sensitive phase-contrast microscopy; and shearing polarization interference microscopy.

Dr. Ernst P. Martin of Füllinsdorf, Switzerland, was recognized for his application of microscopical techniques to the forensics sciences. As director of the criminalistics laboratory of the city of Basel, he applied his knowledge in both his case work and research which resulted in numerous publications. After retiring in 1975, he continued to conduct research and served as a consultant to agencies in several countries.

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