2820 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago IL 60616
Phone (312) 842-7100

Membership Application

Please provide the information requested below.

With the exception of Life and Honorary, all memberships are annual. Life and Honorary members can pass on their applications to potential new members. The Society operates on a calendar year from January 1 to December 31 inclusive.  Dues paid after June 1 will be half of the annual amount (applicable to new members only). The names of members whose dues have not been paid by March 31 will be dropped from the mailing list.

Please check type of membership:

___$  25.00 Active
___$  15.00 Corresponding (living more than 50 miles from Chicago)
___$  30.00 Foreign (US currency, please, to cover additional postage)
___$  10.00 Students: Grade School through High School
___$  15.00 Students: College (with current Student I.D.)
___$  50.00 Contributing
___$150.00 Associate (individuals, corporations, organizations, partnerships, associations and firms)
___$275.00 Life



Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip:



Make checks payable to:  State Microscopical Society of Illinois or SMSI

Return to:
Diane Martin
State Microscopical Society of Illinois
2820 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60616-3292

Membership includes:
Announcements of monthly meetings, keynote speakers, reports of previous meetings, subscription to Micro-Notes (SMSI's current publication), annual banquets, auctions of scientific equipment, and bronze membership pin

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