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The Shroud of Turin:
Relic or Icon? And Does It Matter?

by Joseph Barabe

Sponsored by: Ascension Parish Adult Formation Committee, as part of the Backyard Theology Series

Please note that this talk will not be only scientific in nature, and discussion will be open to the group attending.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

7:30 PM: Presentation
The Shroud of Turin may be the most hotly disputed artifact in modern history, with many proclaiming it to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, while others, including the late Dr. Walter C. McCrone, say that it’s a 14th century painting. This presentation will evaluate and discuss some of the evidence for these claims in the light of contemporary scientific approaches to studies in authenticity. By what criteria are we to judge?

Bio Sketch
Joe is Senior Research Microscopist and Director of Scientific Imaging at McCrone Associates in Westmont, IL, where he specializes in authentication studies of art, historical objects, and documents. He studied microscopy under Dr. Walter C. McCrone, and chemistry under Professor Bill Mikuska. Some of his well-known projects include the photomacrography of the Zapruder film of the assassination of JFK, the analysis of ink on the Gospel of Judas, The Archaic Mark forgery, and, most recently, the Voynich Manuscript analysis.

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